01/I need to know my heart to take care of it
mental tricks?
The definition of the law and the order of counseling
Simbeop is the most historical mark of the heart. Live healthy. Do not shrink your heart, and the more questions you have about your heart, the more responsibility you have for your heart. Be reborn as a mental exercise!
02/Iconize everything?
Iconization? is it a sign? dream? It's Eureka!
Let's make a dream What you can see is the icon. When you think of it, create your own composition that emanates from the place. At first, even if the shape is scattered, the drawing paper will be full of dreams. Now, make it, dream it!
03/ Sim law registration?
Register Simbeop and take a walk/accompany/meal
For a period of less than one year, members invite teachers to lecture on simbeop or discuss simbeop through meetings. The trial law determines your future or has an impact on your patent application, so you must work hard.
04/Secret meeting?
Participate in Secret Meeting/Publication Ceremony
It is the third venue. You may want to leave a note with information on it, or a piece of evidence. It is my choice, please follow it. Gathering together, finding ways and causes while realizing the simdharma. With that, I hope you have time to consult with each other or take a walk alone to organize your simbeop.
05/ Website production?
Homepage production/adjustment
The homepage will be gathered together and organized according to the simbeop. If the simbeop is wrong, you have to go back to practice. I hope you get a satisfactory simbeop. The deeper the realization, the stronger the faith. Look back and look back.
1. Hanafuda/soul verification icon
2. 1000 challenge/verification
3. Promotional Youtube/Membership Recruitment
4. Personal information/patent information
Gesture is the key to encountering structures. You can meet enough big data with just the things you have and gestures. Now, want more sophisticated results? Need a quick answer to a survey? Please gesture.
You can find peace of mind in that gesture. Zaira. Don't you dare make it hot.
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● 정신장애인-모델365(정신장애인으로서 일한 분)
● 가정집도우미(모델365와 함께 합니다)
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몸만드신 열매는 소중히 간직하는 마음으로 살라.
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